The “Illuminati Factor”, Racism And The Palestine Telegraph

[Apologies, by necessity this post has links to racist web sites, as a public record. Sorry.]

The Palestine Telegraph is fairly popular amongst Western supporters of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, even the odd liberal Peeress read it.

That’s not too surprising, as its published in the West and has very little connection to the daily lives of people in the Middle East, rather it is a vehicle for racism against Jews.

Its pages are filled with salacious stories, plain lies and tales of “Jewish conspiracies”.

Any literate person, without a racist inclination, would see the mixture of scurrilous rumours printed as facts and conspiracy theories for what they really are, a cover for racism.

Nevertheless, as my recent exchange with a PSC supporter showed some fairly intelligent people seem to like it.

So for the sake of the public record and before it vanishes, here is one of the Palestine Telegraph’s pieces from 2010 in full. Let us hope that the penny drops with a few PSC supporters before it is too late:

Whose world are we really living in?

  • PDF

World, February 14, 2010 (Pal Telegraph) – Our eyes it is said are the windows to our souls and in turn the gateway to our hearts and minds, determining what we see and feel, giving us a Conscience, which helps us to judge right from wrong, good from evil.

But just how many of us exercise this Human Sense, how many of us actually “see” and absorb what is real and what is unreal. Following from this, we must then have to ask a pertinent question- what is “reality”? Whose realities are we all living in and is it one that we, as moral members of the Human Race have willingly chosen to follow?

There are sadly far too many sleeping Consciences belonging to the thousands (if not millions) of people who choose to be Sheeple, as David Icke refers to them, totally oblivious of the “real world,” living in their own makeshift cocoon, their very own Matrix world, and unaware of the suffering and oppression that is being played out in those countries/States so far away from their shores. They perpetuate the sayings “not in my backyard”, “nothing to do with me”, “I am not interested and don’t want to get involved in politics or affairs that do not directly affect myself, my family or my way of life or my financial status!!

Is this acceptable in the 21st Century, which supposedly, has advanced mankind’s knowledge and understanding and tolerance of the Human Family.

How many of these self-centred righteous “me, me, me people” actually know or understand?? Do they not want to know that what affects their foreign neighbours will affect them sooner if not later, that time has a way to catch up, to do to them what they have done to others?

In the last century, we had quite a few devastating and hideous Wars that sacrificed the lives of millions upon millions of innocent people, but how many of the world’s community today understands the real reasons for these past atrocities- what on earth were they all for??

Both World Wars 1 and 2 affected not only the parties involved but had widespread repercussions that through time, brought unwelcome changes to some, and this in turn has caught up with us, avenging some of us savagely. In politics Time alas does not heal old wounds but festers and grows inside some of us, ticking away like a time bomb!!

At school, we all accepted the version of history that we were spoon-fed by the “Establishment”; after all, they knew better than us; they were our “experts, our intelligent academia”. They knew what they thought we needed to know!! But as events have slowly unfolded, some of us, “enlightened” ones, the Light workers, who are inquisitive, like exercising our minds independently and preferring to ask endless questions, do our own research, have found to our dismay that our “History” was and is a myth, a lie, full of deceit, and deliberate propaganda in order to sway our outlook and understanding and perceptions, enhancing and facilitating the agenda of a small group of Elite people in charge of “mind controlling” us!!

It turns out that WW1 and WW2 were planned in advance for the sake of a group following the dictates of Zionism, a non religious socio-political Ideology which puts their leaders at the top of a Pyramid, while the rest of mankind, their “servants” are piled in a heap right at the bottom, unaware of what is being instigated at the pinnacle of this structured pyramid!! It is not too dissimilar to a Social Class Ladder: the working class, that is the masses or, I prefer to use a stronger and more apt term, the Servants/Slaves; then we have the Middle class, the middle men who in turn receive their delegated orders from the higher echelons of society, their MASTERS, the Elite, Aristocracy, the “Illuminati Factor” in fact, the billionaires in Power, who are covertly controlling our world and our communities and lives, choosing methods that are abhorrent to a fair, just ethical moral Society.

These Masters, controlled by such luminaries as the Rothschild Dynasty, have been working in the wings establishing their Corporate Financial and Imperialist ,Colonialist Empire, getting richer by the day, their power increasing by the hour, while their servants, their minions, their puppets do all the hard work, shed blood sweat and tears, and physical and mental sacrifice.

“When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing more to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader….This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.” (- Plato )

Along with the increase of their personal wealth and power, their abuse and oppression has also been scaringly increasing at an abnormally fast and alarming rate, a level which has cost the lives of so many millions of innocent people, but then servants/slaves have always been expendable for these Imperial Tyrants who actually thrive on the death and destruction of the unsuspecting Masses under their thumb. We are the unwilling subjects for their sacrificial demonic pyre that is taking our lives to the depths of hell!!

What are we faced with now in the 21st Century?? Have our lives and peace of mind been placated?? Have we learnt from the past mistakes of Man’s History? Is our history inter-linked to our present and the possible outcome of our future??

The first few years of the new century has experienced far too much bloodshed. In the last years of the last century, we faced the Bosnian war and the first Gulf War in Iraq, killing thousands of innocent Iraqis, who then had to face the Sanctions, imposed by the bully and controller of the UNITED NATIONS, the Zionist controlled USA and its partner in crime Britain, whose past colonial practices are accountable for much of what has transpired in the hot bed of bloodshed in the Middle East, against the majority Muslim Arabs, the new CRUSADE of the 21st Century for our new Imperial Neo-Con Tyrants of the Illuminati/Skull/Bones/ Zionist variety. These inhuman sanctions, which the majority of the members of the U.N are shamefully guilty of and a party to, sentenced to death over one million Iraqis, 500,000 of whom were children (children whose death Madeleine Albright cruelly and insensitively proclaimed ” the price was worth it”) and also the Unborn who were deprived of their quality of life due to regular bombardment of Depleted Uranium, causing untold suffering and illnesses, some of which were carcinogenic, producing deformed offspring, tumours etc, even among the cannon fodder soldiers belonging to the Coalition Killers themselves from the USA and Britain, which their respective Governments, still to this day, deny any links with- pathetically and euphemistically called “Gulf war syndrome”, or as I would prefer to rename it – US OPERATION DEATH SYNDROME.

These Elite NeoCon Tyrants (1A) are running the show at present, arrogantly getting bolder and bolder, abusing all moral values and principles of universally accepted and recognized International Law, the tenets of the Geneva Convention, which was supposedly after WW2 intended to protect the Human Rights of all Peoples of all Nations, granting them their God given Right to Peace, Tolerance, Freedom, genuine Democracy with Justice and fair play.p>

But what is the reality for the peoples of Afghanistan, Iraq Palestine?? The former two have been blown to smithereens, especially Iraq, a Nation with an Ancient history and civilization, much, much older than the “creation” of the USA by its White Colonial Settlers!! Very much akin in fact to the “creation” of the “Jewish” state of Israel, both ironically, built on the blood sacrifice of its original indigenous peoples whose history and ancestry dates back to pre biblical times, pre Judaism and the “Biblical Israel” that had only lasted a couple of hundred years prior to the Roman Colonial Empire.

USA and Canada were systematically cleansed of its indigenous people- the Native Red Indians, as were the Aztecs/Incas of South America by the Colonial barbaric Spanish Conquistadors, and the Aborigines of Australia.

Palestine shares the same barbaric history with America’s Native Red Indians, except Palestinian cleansing is still on going and their homeland has been drastically fading away into the brutal Imperialist hands of Zionism and its overall Master “Lord” Rothschild whose Empire stretches across the globe and is not just limited to the Middle East, where, tragically for its people, he has chosen to build his Palace, his Temple, in Jerusalem , the heart of the world, the epicentre from where he plans to rule the world. (1B)

His “Israel” is one we are all told, is where the only “democracy” exists and thrives in the Middle East and where thankfully for us all, George Bush so generously phrased it, resides the “Man of Peace” to whom we owe our gratitude”, Sharon, the Butcher of Palestinians.

“Democracy”- a word Western Leaders breathe with such fiery passion but do they actually understand its true definition and, does it realistically exist or practiced to the letter of its meaning:

1) Government by the people or their elected representatives

2) Control of any organisation by its members

3) A Political or social unit governed ultimately by ALL its members

4) The practice or spirit of Social Equality

5) A social condition of classlessness and Equality

6) The common people, especially as a political force

Do any of the criteria from these various definitions actually exist within Western Society and culture?? Are they all a free classless Society where equality abounds supreme? Do their “elected” leaders truly represent the very people that put them in their privileged positions of authority?? Do they practice the Human spirit of social equality??

Just how many of us have experienced or observed such a Utopian world as this Western democracy boasts so proudly about? Where is it? Which country has it? Why doesn’t the majority of the world’s population live in it if it truly exists?

Certainly it is non existent in the UK where there still thrives a a divided Class tier society- the working/Middle classes, usually the poor within this Community, and then the Upper Class, the Elite, the billionaires, the millionaires. This tier exists and is reflected in the differing standards between the two groups, in their lifestyles, their education and prospects in life, and future well being.

But is one man’s Utopia another man’s hell!!? Perhaps this Utopia can be found in the bastion of all “democracies” that is, in the centre of intellectual, religious Political, Socio- Economic Supremacy, “Israel?” (2)

Here we have a racist State that was “created” for the sole purpose of housing Exclusivity to the morally superior Jews only. This they justify based on what they claim, a bit like George Bush himself, “Divine” intervention and selection, that is, they were the “Chosen Ones”. But what is wrong with this? How can the God of the Universe, the Mentor, Creator and Father of Mankind, in all His infinite Mercy and Love, justify this biased exclusivity, to the tragic cost of the rest of Humanity? Surely God should love us all equally and not turn His back on the rest of His Family??

We then have another scenario where these Jews biblically justify their violent actions against the people of biblical Palestine because it is “ordained to them”, written in their holy scriptures, their Torah/Talmud and the Old Testament in Deuteronomy in which, when they sacked Jerusalem upon arriving from afar, from “distant lands”, God supposedly gave them permission to slaughter everyone in sight, men, women, children, young and old, and only saving and taking for themselves the virgin young girls!!

Numbers 31:13-18, 32-35 (KJV)

“And Moses said unto them: Have ye saved all the women alive?
Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.
Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

But all the women, children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. (

This Divine right has perpetuated, throughout history right into the 21st Century.

This Scofflaw State that is America’s greatest friend, her bosom pal, that bleeds dry the taxpayers of the USA and Europe! :

“If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land, or find some rich man or benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf (Vladimir Jabotinsky)

So what is so great about Israel’s boasted “only civilized democracy in the Middle East”?

Here we have a Nation that is comprised of West/East European immigrants, the vast majority of whom have not an ounce of true Semitic Jewish blood or ancestry, but are Converts, and who, for the most part, are totally irreligious and follow, not a faith but a racist ideology/dogma, Zionism.(3)

What does this Zionism represent for us all, especially the Natives of the Middle East and why is it being funded by the USA?


There exists today a tragedy being played out in Iraq and Palestine which was carefully planned and executed by the Israeli NeoCons of USA. Their illegal war has inflicted thousands of deaths, killing, maiming and turning a nation of people into paraplegics and cancer sufferers, while thousands of others are being indiscriminately imprisoned and tortured and tormented, caged in by Zionist run concentration camps. Palestinians have endured this, not for a year, like the wretched Iraqis, but for gone on 60 years!

Iraq has its Abu Ghraib, Afghanis have Guantanamo and Palestinians have: Facility 1391

“(O)ne of the darker corners of Israel.” (3a)

“No country in peacetime, not even the Soviets or the Red Chinese in the heyday of their Gulags – has held as many prisoners per capita as the nation of Israel. It is one of the few nations that will not officially renounce the use of torture. It has long been high on the list of the offenders compiled by Amnesty International. The London Times Magazine did an extensive exposé on Israeli torture in the 1970s, the 1980s and 1990s. The inescapable fact is that Israel was born and built by invasion, murder, and theft. Such injustice requires the use of force and terror to maintain its power.”

( )

Hunger for power and domination is one of their goals, which they are gradually achieving through the unflinching support of such notaries as the U.S.A’s George Bush and the UK’s Blair under the tutelage of their masters- Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, Feith, Cheney, Kissinger and of course Rothschild himself no less. These NeoCons have been another “Godsend” for Israel which throughout its creation, in 1948, has expanded its initial borders and has encroached on Palestinian land and Human Rights.(4)

“The removal of Arabs bodily from Palestine is part of the Zionist plan to “spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment…Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried away discreetly and circumspectly.” Theodore Herzl,

“Zionist colonization must either be terminated or carried out against the wishes of the native population. This colonization can, therefore, be continued and make progress only under the protection of a power independent of the native population – an iron wall, which will be in a position to resist the pressure to the native population. (Jabotinsky)

We are told that Israel is a poor tiny little State, trying to defend itself, surrounded by heathen aggressive neighbours, The Arabs, majority of whom, if not all, are Semites, belonging to both the Muslim, Christian and Jewish faiths. (4B)

How can Israel be such a poor defenceless little State when she is the second largest Nuclear country in the world with huge stockpiles of Nuclear warheads, Chemical and biological weapons (5) and is the biggest country that exercises extensive espionage on its Allied friends/supporters/beneficiaries, having stolen highly sensitive military data from the USA and sold it to such partners as China and India.(6). But who holds Israel accountable for her nuclear arsenal (hidden in the Negev (7) which individuals like Vannunu tried to expose to the World and which cost him his freedom, taking years out of his life!

Israeli Nuclear Policies Threaten World Peace which threatens a Worldwide nuclear holocaust, all part of Israel’s foreign policy, defense strategy.

One Israeli Professor and military historian went so far as to state that –

‘We Could Destroy All European Capitals ‘ and hinted that Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans and other Europeans.” is this the true realities of Israel .

The only option that has been given to Palestinians is to follow

“the road of Apartheid and the continued Nazification of Israel itself. These are indeed strong words. Israel is guilty of implementing policies of collective punishment, extra-judicial executions (without trials), legalized torture, the creation of Bantustans, the ghetto-ization of entire villages all point to the “Nazification” of Israel’ (7B)

while a Zionist minister calls for incinerating Damascus, Beirut – Avigdor Lieberman, (a cousin of the US Senator Lieberman) said Israel should “incinerate Beirut and Damascus” in retaliation for resistance attacks in the West Bank. An Israeli cabinet minister said Wednesday the Zionist state should carry out devastating air strikes against Syria and Lebanon if Palestinian resistance groups continued to fight Israel’s colonialist occupation. He continues:

“We should take advantage of our military superiority and visit Syrian and Lebanon with destruction for their support of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.” Lieberman had called for bombing several Arab and Islamic capitals including Tehran and the Aswan Adam in Egypt. The current Israeli government includes some of the most extremist right-wing figures who openly advocate ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland.’ (7C)

What kind of democratic Utopia does Israel have when most of its leaders committed massacres throughout their youth/adult lives? (7D)

Why in this perfect democracy that people would just “die for” does Israel have so much drug trafficking, Slavery and prostitution, a country run by mafia gangsters who operate obscene practices, carrying out terror and corruption throughout the country, (and abroad) led by another criminal and self professed murderer, the butcher immigrant Ariel Sharon, along with his fraudulent sons.

“”And you can write that I am disgrace to humanity, I don’t mind, on the contrary. Let’s make a deal: I will do all I can to expel the Arabs from here, I will do all I can to increase anti-Semitism, and you will write poems and essays about the misery of the Arabs and be prepared to absorb the Yids I will force to flee to this country and teach them to be a light unto the gentiles. How about it?” (Ariel Sharon to Amos Oz 1982) (10)

While George Bush boasts the moral virtues of the “Man of Peace”, Sharon and the democracy of Israel, it appears that other communities do not share this high powered view, according to Ed Blanche, a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London:

“Israel has always boasted that it was an island of democracy in a sea of dictatorships and autocratic regimes in the Middle East. But a study by the Israel Democracy Institute and the Gutman Center published Friday showed that support for democracy among Israeli Jews had plunged to its lowest level in 20 years, down to 77 percent from the steady 90 percent of recent years. That reflects what many see as a troubling erosion of Israelis’ perception of democracy and the necessity for it to exist.

In public opinion polls relating to support for democracy conducted in 32 countries between 1999 and 2001, Israel now ranks in the lowest tier.”

Ironically, George Bush reveals some shocking truths which unfortunately he blindly does not acknowledge exists and is rife within America’s greatest friend and ally:

:”There is another humanitarian crisis, spreading and yet hidden from view. Each year, an estimated eight to nine hundred thousand human beings are bought, sold, or forced across the world’s borders. Among them are hundreds of thousands of teenage girls, and others as young as five, who fall victim to the sex trade. This commerce in human life generates billions of dollars each year, much of which is used to finance organized crime.

There is a special evil in the abuse and exploitation of the most innocent and vulnerable. The victims of sex trade see little of life before they see the very worst of life, an underworld of brutality and lonely fear. Those who create these victims, and profit from their suffering, must be severely punished. Those who patronize this industry debase themselves and deepen the misery of others. And governments that tolerate this trade are tolerating a form of slavery.” (10b)

George Bush ought to take a leaf or two out of his “moral and ethical sermon” and punish Israel for this inhuman behaviour that debases women and young girls. As he himself stated: This commerce in human life generates billions of dollars each year, much of which is used to finance organized crime”. And he should know, as his own father’s business ventures are involved, along with his mentor Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld

Surely Israel does not need the billions it receives from American taxpayers as it receives ample funds from this evil trade as well as the revenue it also gets from its Arms and Drugs smuggling and espionage, selling secrets that its agents, be they Art students or Mossad, sell to such nations as China and India, as well as trading in Human Organs at the expense of dead young Palestinians whose organs are taken out and sold to world markets or used within Israel itself. (10C)

It therefore appears that Human morality applies to Israelis, the “Blood royals”, and not to the “Amalekite children of the Arabs”. .The United States government is being utilized as “the hammer of Amalek. This is the true meaning of the phrase “clash of civilizations” and the Arabs had better prepare themselves for months or years of slow-motion genocide – all this attack is intended therefore, to implement the rabbinic injunction of exterminating “the ArabAmalek (and all those “who act like Amalek”).

“And in this fashion, we will end the war and settle our forefathers’ account with Egypt, Assyria, and Aram -David Ben Gurion where ” Not one village, not one tribe should be left.” Joseph Weitz and so the need for “an iron wall, which will be in a position to resist the pressure to the native population- Vladimir Jabotinsky

America’s NeoCons and the rest of the Zionist crew in the Pentagon, the White House and to a degree the present British Government are steeped in this doctrine.

Have we as collective Humanity reached our point of no return?

“By tricking the population into acceptance of greater and greater atrocities, the dictator will eventually reach a position where the people will be too afraid to examine what they themselves have become. Trapped by the fear of examining themselves, such people turn into the most fanatical of the dictator’s supporters. They dare not look at the dictator’s evil for to do so is to look at their own. Once the dictator can trick his people past that point, they are his slaves” – Mike Rivero

How much longer must we all be subjugated by the arch-terrorist Israeli state”, founded in terror by terrorists, and whose “Zionism”, a “colonization adventure which stands or falls by the question of armed force” is based on Racist ideology and exclusivity!

That is the reality of the State of Israel, its Allies, Partners and offshoots, and it’s so called democracy and love for freedom and peace, whose overall Doctrine works to the detriment, security and Well being of Mankind and World Peace.

Do we in all honesty, want to continue living in this Matrix world of theirs??


1A) “Reality has never been a constraint” to Neoconservatives. “They are not the kind of people that America as a nation are proud of.”

On video: Karen Kwiatkowski





The Guardian,3604,1084736,00.html


(4B) (

5) Israel’s Weapons of Mass :







8) gangs

8B) Israel’s worth






Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax:Intelligence Was Cooked in Israel Jeffrey Steinberg

By maisoon August 2006

Thanks to Martin.

Slices Of World

Meant to post this a few days back, but forgot

There are plenty of things going on in the world, but we shouldn’t forget the dog whistles of racism that Jeff Goldberg finds in the race for the US Presidency:

“Dog-whistling — the use of coded, ambiguous language to appeal to the prejudices of certain subsets of voters — is one of the darkest political arts. In this race, Newt Gingrich is streets ahead of his nearest competitor in its use. In addition to his comments about black children working as janitors, he has repeatedly referred to Obama as the country’s “food-stamp president.”

The genius of dog-whistling is its deniability. It would be difficult for a figure such as Rush Limbaugh to run for public office, given his record of fairly straightforward race-baiting. (Limbaugh, who in the words of Harvard Law School’s Randall Kennedy is an “excellent entrepreneur of racial resentment,” has been on a tear lately. He has accused Obama — who he says “talks honky” around white people — and the first lady of abusing public funds as payback for the ill-treatment afforded their ancestors.)

But “food-stamp president” is just indirect enough that Gingrich is protected from detrimental blowback, at least during the largely white Republican primaries.

Kennedy, who studies the role of race in national elections, told me last week of a rule he uses to measure whether a candidate’s appeal to prejudice will succeed: If it takes more than two sentences for a critic to explain why a dog-whistle is a dog-whistle, the whistler wins. Gingrich seems to understand this, and so, despite criticism from blacks, has made the term “food-stamp president” a staple of his stump speeches.”

Elsewhere Celebrity Deathmatch: Who Has More Celebrity Endorsements? makes strange reading, Ron Paul is rather popular.

The ADL’s Center on Extremism and Research’s blog is worth a read, with a fine post entitled Racists and Bigots to Descend on CPAC Conference in Washington, DC

“The February 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an annual event that features a wide variety of speakers from conservative circles, will host a session on “the failure of multiculturalism” that will include racist Peter Brimelow as a speaker. “

It exposes Pamela Geller’s latest activities:

“The latest outgrowth of the trans-Atlantic cooperation between anti-Muslim activists was announced on January 17 by Pamela Geller, head of Stop Islamization of American (SIOA). Geller announced on her blog that SIOA, an organization that promotes a conspiratorial anti-Muslim agenda under the guise of fighting radical Islam, is joining forces with its sister organization in Denmark, Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE), whose campaigns against Islam in Europe have influenced Geller’s campaigns in the U.S.”

Keith Kahn-Harris’s reviewed Gilad Atzmon’s recent book:

“The book is a peculiar mix of polemic, philosophising and personal narrative which creates a veneer of radicalism and up to date thinking. But, beneath it all, Atzmon is more conventional that he thinks he is. Ultimately, The Wandering Who? boils down to a number of hoary old anti-semitic tropes:

When Jews appear to be assimilating, they are really infiltrating and subverting.

When Jews identify themselves as Jews, they are primitive separatists.

Jews are obsessively concerned with attaining power and influence.

Jews are responsible for the hatred they attract.

The holocaust myth is simply a Jewish strategy to gain power through the world’s guilt. The Wandering Who? is an anti-Semitic book certainly, but is it a dangerous book? So ludicrous are his arguments and so pompous is his tone that it is tempting to dismiss Atzmon as a crank.

More genuinely disturbing is the fact that this book was published at all. Zero Books is a small company that has published some excellent quirky philosophy and intellectually rigorous criticism; they should have seen the book for what it was. (The book is endorsed by figures like Richard Falk, John Mearsheimer and Karl Sabbagh who, while strong critics of Israel and Zionism, should have heard alarm bells ringing when they saw the chapter entitled ‘Swindler’s List’). Ironically, it is precisely Atzmon’s Jewish background that gains him this platform, providing an alibi for his antisemitism.

Surely, that should be ‘their’ not ‘his’, not bad but too charitable toward Atzmon’s allies.

On a related theme, Germany’s old problem, neo-Nazi gangs into focus.

News International and phone hacking is unlikely to die down as the Police have been given access to Data Pool 3.

Belatedly the Guardian admits mistakes, probably printed on page 52, bottom column in small print.

How Afghanistan boys walked to Europe.

At the Debate Link, the tale of rigging the system so your opponents can’t get on the ballot.

Finally, this depressing piece from the JC, Fogel murderer’s family praises ‘hero’ killer.

The Palestine Telegraph And Racism

[Warning, by necessity and as an illustration this post contains links to racist web sites and material. Apologies. ]

One of my readers asked me to “find any racist material in a 4-5 minute trawl of the Palestine Telegraph home page today.”

Cleverly, the request is deliberately restricted to the homepage of the Palestine Telegraph, which we could assume, as with many racist websites, is not going to have the most hard-hitting material.

Often when you study racist websites you find the salacious racism hidden behind a nice facade, and so it is with the Palestine Telegraph.

Readers should bear in mind that racism comes in many different strands and intensities. Those that push it do not always use the crudest methods, as can be seen below.

Firstly, on the front page of the Palestine Telegraph, there is a picture of Newt Gingrich, surprisingly wearing a kippah and the article contains this piece:

“It is generally considered taboo in the United States and even evidence of “anti-Semitism” to talk about the influence of “Jewish” or pro-Israel money in elections. That a former Gingrich advisor and well-known Republican pundit is doing so openly is a notable development.”

So in this piece we see two main messages, one that Newt Gingrich is beholden to Jews and there is ‘the influence of “Jewish” or pro-Israel money in elections‘. Therefore, according to the article, it is Jews that somehow buy elections in the US.

Still it is not that crude, more of what American call a political dog whistle.

Now anyone remotely familiar with old fashion antisemitic imagry will remember the racist lie about “Jews controlling the world”, which has mutated to “Jews control US elections”.

Secondly, there is a piece entitled “The Jews go to war (with themselves)” taken from the well known racist site, Redress.

The piece’s author, Lawrence Davidson, believes there is a dictatorship in Israel as evidence in this contribution “Zionist-Israeli Dictatorship Comes to Full Cycle With Netanyahu” where he argues:

“About five million Jews enjoy full rights while eleven million Palestinian Christians and Muslims have been denied any human rights, deprived of citizenship, and half of them have been forced to live under the brutal Israeli military occupation since 1967.

Only about one and a half million Palestinians were allowed to stay inside the Zionist state with citizenship but without equal rights.

Now the Zionist dictatorship is extending suppression to Jews, showing the dictatorial, racist, apartheid Israeli regime for what it really is.”

I won’t pick apart the obvious mathematical error of 11 million and the monomaniacal tone which aggressively exudes from his work, but suffice to say Dr. Davidson’s hyperbole suggests that he doesn’t know what real dictatorships, like Burma, North Korea, etc look like.

Looking at the opinion pieces in the Palestine Telegraph we are treated to a meandering tract from Laura Booth where she quotes the racist, Gilad Atzmon:

“In 2003, he wrote in an essay; ‘There is no anti-Semitism any more. In the devastating reality created by the Jewish state, anti-Semitism has been replaced by political reaction’. This is a point he returns to this evening. “

That is a common theme found amongst anti-Jewish racists. They don’t want to have to deal with or explain the reality of racial violence against Jews in Britain, which even the BBC and the Guardian report on.

Elsewhere the Palestine Telegraph asks the question, “Which is more evil, al-Qaeda or Israel?” By now readers can guess what the Palestine Telegraph’s answer is.

Not unsurprisingly, the Palestine Telegraph publishes a very sympathetic piece on Fred Toben, well-known Holocaust denier. That’s just for starters.

So racism, yes, you can find it at the Palestine Telegraph. It is not always the crude stuff of neo-Nazi web sites. They learnt their lesson after pushing David Dukes videos. The racism is there, if you are sensitive to it.

One final example from the Palestine Telegraph:

It turns out that WW1 and WW2 were planned in advance for the sake of a group following the dictates of Zionism, a non religious socio-political Ideology which puts their leaders at the top of a Pyramid, while the rest of mankind, their “servants” are piled in a heap right at the bottom, unaware of what is being instigated at the pinnacle of this structured pyramid!! It is not too dissimilar to a Social Class Ladder: the working class, that is the masses or, I prefer to use a stronger and more apt term, the Servants/Slaves; then we have the Middle class, the middle men who in turn receive their delegated orders from the higher echelons of society, their MASTERS, the Elite, Aristocracy, the “Illuminati Factor” in fact, the billionaires in Power, who are covertly controlling our world and our communities and lives, choosing methods that are abhorrent to a fair, just ethical moral Society.

These Masters, controlled by such luminaries as the Rothschild Dynasty, have been working in the wings establishing their Corporate Financial and Imperialist ,Colonialist Empire, getting richer by the day, their power increasing by the hour, while their servants, their minions, their puppets do all the hard work, shed blood sweat and tears, and physical and mental sacrifice.”

The Palestine Telegraph is replete with monomaniacs, racists and 911 truthers, so those that read it should be aware of its authors and their obvious agenda, the advancement of anti-Jewish racism.

I do not believe it is representative of Palestinian opinions as it is published in Britain and many of its authors are not Palestinians, rather people with serious chips on their shoulders, against Jews.

The Palestine Telegraph is filled with negative imagery of Jews, conspiracy theories, the works of racists, etc., it should be avoided by anyone who is genuinely committed to anti-racism and those that wish a peaceful resolution to conflicts in the Middle East.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign and The Question Of Racism.

I am indebted to Jeremy Moodey and Anthony Cooper for pointing me towards the controversy around the UK’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Surprisingly, at the weekend their annual general meeting upheld the decision to expel a rather nasty racist.

However, there was opposition to the expulsion, some 81% of delegates voted for it, about 19% were against it or abstained.

Cynics may suggest that means that the PSC has about 17% racists in its ranks, but I am sure that is not the case. How could it be?

Still, Jeremy Moodey and Anthony Cooper set me thinking. Jeremy argues that “Zionists” (whoever they might be) shut down debate, but he can’t really see the other side of the story.

That is when ‘anti-Zionists’ shout and scream about “Hasbara”, “Zionist propaganda” and “Media control” instead of looking at the occurrences of anti-Jewish racism found close to home.

That ultimately leads to a shouting match, which doesn’t actually answer why anti-Jewish racism is so often found close to, or accidentally pushed by Western supporters of the Palestinians’ cause.

[And let me say here and now, I think it’s perfectly possible to criticise the government of Israel for its actions, as one could do with any government, as long as one avoids racist imagery, demagogic language and double standards.

Further, I think it does the Palestinians cause no good to be associated with racists, the Far Right and extremists in the West.]

The problem in many of these discussions is bad faith.

The assumption that naturally the other side in these debates are evil, wicked or mendacious. I think that’s a fairly pointless exercise, even if it were true.

Moreover, it doesn’t provide any meaningful answer to the questions, why do racists become drawn to these campaigns in the West, and why aren’t they ferreted out sooner?

In my experience, you don’t have to look very hard or long to find racism around these campaigns or the activists. I don’t mean that everyone is a racist or anywhere close, but as they wade knee deep in vitriol and invective against “Zionists” that racism pops out.

One of many examples is the case of Jenna Delich, Bob From Brockley explains:

“If you haven’t already read about British academic and trade union member Jenna Delich, who cites David Duke’s website in support of a boycott of Israel, and about the UCU activists who have threatened action against Harry’s Place for publicising the scandal, then below are some places you can read about it.

It is worth noting that the article to which Jenna Delich linked is not by David Duke. It is by one Joe Quinn and originally appeared on a 9/11 Truth Cult site called It would not have reflected well on Jenna D if she had found the article there, but she didn’t; she found it on a Ku Klux Klan site, which reflects on her rather worse.”

Rather than admit her mistake, Ms. Delich sought to shut down the web site that first covered it and in the process brought more attention to her actions.

It would be far better if these “activists” made a serious effort to understand anti-Jewish racism, the Far Right and tread more carefully, lest people assume the worst.

Hitchens On Robert Faurisson And Defending David Irving

Whilst browsing the web I came across these two pieces from Christopher Hitchens. I think they aptly illustrate the difficulties Hichens has in dealing with David Irving.

In the first article from The Nation in October 1994, Hichens counterpoises Irving with Robert Faurisson, seemingly trying to sanitise the former by comparison to the malignant latter. Readers will remember that Faurisson is a well-known Holocaust denier and a recipient of Noam Chomsky’s support.

The second defence from the Wall Street Journal in February 2006, where Irving is characterised as merely an “eccentric Englishman”, not the propagandising neo-fascist that he really is, turns out to be even less satisfactory than the 1994 judgement.

Hitchens’ lingering defence is that, supposedly, Irving “is in fact not a “denier,” but a revisionist, and much-hated by the full-dress “denial” faction. “

Such sentiments indicate Hitchens’ naïveté, infatuation and inability to give up on his old eating companion. He is reduced to picking up Irving’s scraps, arguing that the benefit of Irving’s “research” far outweigh any negatives which is an intellectually idiotic conclusion and indicative of his shallow grasp of the issues.

I leave the articles here as a matter of public record:

Minority Report by Christopher Hitchens, The Nation, 3rd October 1994.

“R. D. Laing once wrote an essay titled “The Obvious.” The idea was suggested to him by an opinion-poll finding in the 1960s that appeared to show that millions of Americans were not aware that mainland China had a Communist government. Laing wondered aloud what one can take for granted by way of shared assumptions—not just on the part of others but of oneself. George Orwell once contrived a similar exercise, trying to imagine what he would say to prove the earth was spherical if confronted by a convinced Flat Earther. These mental challenges are useful for their own sake.

So when Professor Faurisson came through Washington to visit the Holocaust Museum, I hastened along to meet him. Probably no fact is more agreed-upon than the scope and magnitude of the Final Solution, and it’s necessary as well as interesting to hold converse with those who maintain that the whole story is a fable. Faurisson presents himself in a brisk, rationalist and Cartesian style: It is widely alleged that gas chambers—”chemical slaughterhouses”—were used to destroy European Jewry. Very well, were is there a surviving authentic model, or photograph, or diagram of the operation of one such?

My own first answer must be that I have never seen a relic of an operating gas chamber (though I have seen small-scale crematoria in camp museums in Germany). Have I studied the feasibility of asphyxiation en masse, on the scale claimed? Do I appreciate the immense difficulty, supposing the task to possible in the first place, of removing heaps of cyanide-poisoned corpses from the alleged chamber? My answers must be, again, no and no. Eh bien, we are getting somewhere. Have I understood that much anti-Nazi propaganda is just that? That there was no soap made from human fat? That the confessions of Rudolf Höss, commandant of Auschwitz, was extorted by coercion and in any case mentioned a total of deaths at Auschwitz that not even the Israeli experts at Yad Vashem credit? Here, my answers are yes and yes, because I know that the story in the first case, and Höss in the second, have been debunked. So, am I not ready to sign myself among the brave and persecuted, who deny the myth of the Six Million? Not at least until I can try a syllogism of my own, on a professor who evidently relishes the Socratic method.

Is it not true that the National Socialist Party’s propaganda specifically and openly cited Jews as the root of all rot and evil? Is it not the case that, before the world and before the war, Jewish persons and property were violated and vandalized in Germany? Further, once the war had begun, were the Jews of Western Europe not shipped eastward against their will? Suppose me to be credulous about “gas-chamber pornography”; if these people were not put to death, why did so few of them return?
There is something—I scarcely know what to call it—something distant about Faurisson’s response. He does not consent, as I did with his questions, to answer mine cumulatively and in order. He remains polite and he continues to discuss, but he has become bored—that’s it, bored.

I have read the debate between Faurisson and David Irving that took place under the auspices of the “Holocaust revionist” Institute for Historical Review at a conference in October 1992. Irving is infamous for his claim that no proof of a Führer-order exists, and that if there were any mass killings of Jews, they were unauthorized by the Nazi emperor. In that debate he announces that he is an anti-Semite. When Adolf Eichmann, for example, spoke of a Final Solution:

It was quite plain to him that is was only a plan to sweep all the Jews of Europe aboard boats and transport them lock, stock and barrel down to Madagascar, where they would be on an island where they couldn’t bother any of their neighbors and where none of their neighbors could bother them. I’ve always said and I say it here again—even though I risk making a few enemies—that I think that it would have been an ideal solution to a perennial world tragedy.

Irving also concedes that there were, indeed, mass murders of Jews on the eastern front, most common by firing squads. He takes very seriously the testimony of Gen. Walter Bruns, who described a massacre he witnessed near Riga as early as November 1941. And he credits other testimony as well—doubtless with regret, since such unpleasantness makes the Madagascar option look positively humane.

Faurisson disagrees with Irving about both the occurrence of the massacres and the responsibility for such deaths as did occur. This he attributes, in our discussion, to the inevitable side-effects of war. He is contemptuous of Irving as a historian and, oddly for a man with such insistence on detail, has no memory of Irving’s Madagascar statement. He insists that he himself is guided in his quest by no prejudice and no ulterior motive, merely an imperative to pursue objectives and verifiable truth.

One of his fellow revisionists sat at the same table to observe our discussion and broke in (obviously to be helpful, as he thought) to say: “Of course, we all agree that the deportation of the Jews was a very great crime. I know Robert agrees, don’t you Robert?”
“No,” replies Faurisson, “I do not.” He explains that the Nazi responsibility in the Second World War is no graver than that of many parties and regimes in modern and ancient history. So, I ask him finally, You think there was nothing unique in the Nazi system? “Nothing morally unique, no.”
Both Faurisson and Irving have been subjected to a lot of stupid censorship and harassment for their writings, and it has been known for persecution to distort judgment. Some overt neo-Nazis deny the Holocaust while openly wishing that there had been a Final Solution, or will be one soon. Faurisson, I judge, is not of this company. He just doesn’t think that Nazism was such a big deal to begin with.”

Wall Street Journal Opinion February 23, 2006. Free Speech Über Alles (Even for David Irving) by Christopher Hitchens.

“It is best not to mince words. The imprisonment of David Irving by the Austrian authorities is a disgrace. It is a state punishment for a crime — that of expression and argument and publication — that is not a legal offense in Mr. Irving’s country of birth and that could not be an offense under the First Amendment. It is to be hoped, by all those who value the right to dissent, that his appeal against both sentence and conviction will be successful.

Strictly speaking, “context” ought not to weigh in the scale when the question of unfettered expression is being decided. And obviously, the provincial police of Styria were only doing their statutory job when they detained Mr. Irving under the terms of a very broadly drawn Austrian law that criminalizes even “gross understatement” (however that might be phrased) of the Nazi campaign against European Jewry. But it is somehow unfortunate that a small European country with a very bad record from the Nazi period should be jailing an eccentric Englishman at the precise moment when a small European country with a much better record is the object of an orchestrated campaign of lies, blackmail and violence. Those who jump for joy when the embassies of European democracies are immolated in the capital cities of squalid dictatorships have decided to announce their own game of moral equivalence. What of your precious free speech, they say, when the Holocaust is immune from criticism on your own soil? Austrian bureaucracy — never at its best with this thorny question: how embarrassing that the prison library contained several Irving hardbacks — could almost have set out to try and prove the Islamist demagogues’ “point.”

I put “point” in quotes because there obviously is no such moral equivalence. Anyone should have the right to criticize or even insult and lampoon religious belief, just as anyone should have the right to try to revise or rewrite history. But the Muslim thugs are as stupid as they look, because they only assert the second right in order to obliterate the first one. They are not even trying for a trade-off (unless you think that freedom for European brownshirts would lead to the reopening of desecrated synagogues and churches in the Arab world, in which case you will lose your shirt whatever color it happens to be). But the bullies do accidentally make the point that counts to begin with: The defense of free expression is indivisible. Compared to that important principle, nothing is “sacred,” or even close to it. Perhaps you notice that, of late, the word “sacred” has become an easy anagram of “scared”?

Now may I mince a word or two? I have been writing in defense of Mr. Irving for several years. When St. Martin’s Press canceled its contract to print his edition of the Goebbels diaries, which it did out of fear of reprisal, I complained loudly and was rewarded by an honest statement from the relevant editor — Thomas Mallon — that his decision had been a “profile in prudence.” I will not take refuge in the claim that I was only defending Mr. Irving’s right to free speech. I was also defending his right to free inquiry. You may have to spend time on some grim and Gothic Web sites to find this out, but he is in fact not a “denier,” but a revisionist, and much-hated by the full-dress “denial” faction. The pages on Goebbels, as in his books on Dresden, Churchill and Hitler, contain some highly important and damning findings from his work in the archives of the Third Reich. (The Goebbels book contains final proof that the Nazis financed Sir Oswald Mosley’s blackshirts in England: a claim that Mosley’s many sympathizers have long denied.)

Compared to this useful evidence, the fact that Mr. Irving was once a Mosley supporter is unimportant to me…. “

David Irving and Christopher Hitchens

I wouldn’t normally speak ill of the dead, but there is such a palaver going on and an almost unseemly desire for the early beatification of Christopher Hitchens that I think it is better to get a warts and all picture of him.

In an earlier post, I pointed out that whilst he was a significant and prolific writer he did have a few blind spots.

I am not concerned with his indulgences, rather why he chose to defend David Irving.

I imagined that his supporters will, no doubt, say it was because of freedom of speech and how he was an absolutist. That is a plausible answer, except it doesn’t address the issue of the facts.

1. Christopher Hitchens, initially, downplayed David Irving’s views.

2. Hitchens misrepresented Irving’s work to put a nicer spin on it.

3. Hitchens even gave Irving “one last chance” in the wake of the Irving v. Lipstadt trial after 2000.

If Christopher Hitchens was quite as smart, as his latter-day supporters suggest, then this is unconscionable.

I think the problem with Hitchens was that he “inherited” some strange views from his time with the International Socialists, but couldn’t bring himself to admit it.

These views could pop out when he turned to the subject of Jews and might explain why he cosied up to David Irving, even wining and dining him.

It’s very difficult to think of someone as the archetypal antifascist when they don’t understand Austria’s antifascist laws, the residual problems of fascism in Austria and why they enforce such laws.

It is a pity that Hitchens couldn’t deal with those difficult arguments and chose a rather simplistic “freedom of speech” defence, not his finest hour.

Had Hitchens had the character and judgement that we are told he possessed then he would have dealt with the stronger counter- arguments and the importance of keeping neo-Nazism in check, but instead he chose the easy path, the well trodden path.

Noam Chomsky utilised similar arguments in his defence of Robert Faurisson, they were as equally myopic and unsatisfactory.

Professor Lipstadt has dealt with many of these spurious arguments advanced in defence of such neofascists:

“Many years ago, German historian Theodor Mommsen warned that reason alone isn’t enough to keep people from believing falsehoods. If this were the case, then racism, anti-Semitism, and other forms of prejudice would find no home. In despair Mommsen wrote, “You are mistaken if you believe that anything at all could be achieved by reason. In years past I thought so myself and kept protesting against the monstrous infamy that is anti-Semitism. But it is useless, completely useless.”

To expect reason, rational dialogue, and discourse to constitute the sole barriers against the pernicious attempts to deny the Holocaust is to ignore one of the ultimate lessons of the event itself. There was no rational basis underlying the Nazi atrocities. There was, however, the appeal of anti-Semitism. Mythical thinking and the force of the irrational have a strange and compelling allure. Intellectuals are hardly immune from irrational, mystical thinking. Some do so in the name of “free speech,” free inquiry,” or “intellectual freedom.”

It is this commitment to free inquiry and the power of mythical thinking that explains, at least in part, how revisionists have attracted leading figures and institutions. Noam Chomsky is probably the best known among them. Chomsky wrote the introduction to a book by French revisionist Robert Faurisson. In it Chomsky argued that scholars’ ideas cannot be censored no matter how distasteful they may be. Though Alfred Kazin was right on target when he recently described Chomsky as a “dupe of intellectual pride so overweening that he is incapable of making distinctions between totalitarian and democratic societies, between oppressors and victims,” Chomsky’s argument shocked many people, including those who thought they were inured to Chomsky’s antics.

Chomsky’s example shows why the dangers of free inquiry should be taken seriously. Even the supposed protectors of reasoned dialogue can fall for the convoluted notion that all arguments are equally legitimate. Those who argue that the deniers must be given a fair hearing fail to recognize that the deniers’ quest is not a search for truth. Rather they are motivated by racism, extremism, and virulent anti-Semitism. ”

Bigots In The New Greek Government

The JC has a piece on Georgios Karatzaferis, leader of the Far Right, Popular Orthodox Rally in Greece:

“The new Greek coalition, formed after the resignation of Prime Minister George Papandreou, held its first session on Friday, but concerns have been raised by organisations worldwide over the presence of the fast-rising, ultra – right LAOS party, the Popular Orthodox Rally, in the coalition government.

During Operation Cast Lead in 2008, LAOS leader Georgios Karatzaferis said in a newspaper editorial, that the Israel Defence Forces were acting “with savage brutality only seen in Hitler’s time towards helpless people.” He has also publicly questioned why Jews did not “come to work on 9/11” in 2001 and accused the then-Greek prime minister during a parliamentary session in 2002, of having a daughter who “secretly married a Jew”.

The party has been condemned by the American Jewish Committee, after it joined the unity government together with the Socialist PASOK party of Mr Papandreou and the Conservative New Democracy party. At least one LAOS member is expected to gain a ministerial post.”

Observers have long noted that Greece has a serious problem with antisemitism.

The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism has documented problems in Greece for years, particularly concerning LAOS:

“In May 2009, MP Elias Polatidis (LAOS) cast doubt on the uniqueness of the Holocaust when he submitted a question to the culture minister regarding the erection of the Holocaust monument in Athens (inaugurated in May 2010), asking why the state has not demonstrated similar sensitivity towards genocides of other groups of people.

On March 27, the five-member Athens Appeals Court, a second level court, found well-known Greek antisemite and Holocaust denier and former LAOS member Kostas Plevris not guilty of “incitement to racial hatred and violence against the Jews” for his 1,400 page racist and virulently antisemitic book Jews – The Whole Truth. A “cassation in favor of the law [antiracist Greek Law 927/1979]” (which does not revoke or annul the Appeals Court verdict, but is aimed at protecting the public interest by preventing a wrongful judgment from acquiring the status of res judicata and from constituting a precedent for adjudication of similar cases in the future), submitted by the Supreme Court (Arios Pagos) prosecutor in July was dismissed in April 2010.

In the general elections of October 2009, the nationalist and xenophobic LAOS significantly increased its strength, gaining 5.63 percent of the vote (15 seats), compared to 3.8 percent (10 seats) in 2007. In the European Parliament elections of June 2009 LAOS (which is a part of the far right EFD [Europe of Freedom and Democracy] grouping) doubled its power from 4.1 percent in 2004 to 7.1 percent and from one to two MEPs.”

Marko Attila Hoare flags up ‘Abravanel, the Blog’, a Greek blogger with a superb post on the issue, Antisemitic Ministers and Holocaust deniers enter the new Greek government.

Update 1: I had forgotten Searchlight covered LOAS and the Greek Far Right in 2004:

“The widespread acceptance of these ideas was illustrated by the results for Giorgos Karatzaferis’ right-wing extremist LAOS party, which expresses similar ideas but has not been labelled as a nazi party. LAOS received 252,429 votes (4.12%) and its leader won a seat in the European Parliament as a member of the Independent Democrats group.

Karatzaferis does not want to be called a far-right leader but has a long history of cooperation with the nazis. In 1998, as an opposition New Democracy (ND) member of parliament, he called on members of Golden Dawn to join forces with ND and promised them the secretariat of a ministry in a future government. When the Greek Prime Mimister and ND leader, Kostas Karamanlis, was asked by journalists to comment on this by one of his MPs, he merely answered that “on historical issues there are different approaches”.

In 2001, having formed his own party, Karatzaferis made a speech in parliament claiming that there was a Jewish conspiracy behind the September 11th terrorist attacks. A Greek Communist Party MP, Giorgos Hourmouziadis publicly supported these comments.

In 2002, Karatzaferis included four nazis in his election list for the prefecture elections. Protests by the Antinazi Initiative wrecked the cooperation between LAOS and the nazis but LAOS still received 14% of the vote.

In the 2004 European election, LAOS included the notorious national socialist, Konstantinos Plevris, on its candidates’ list. Plevris is founder of a party called The Fourth of August (the anniversary date of the Metaxas dictatorship established in 1936) and was a councillor in the 1967-74 military junta.

He has also written a book about Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels’ diary in which he claims that Hitler’s troops “admired the Greeks” and that it was the English forces sent to Greece that caused the German invasion in 1941. In another book Let’s talk about Jews, he denies the Holocaust and the existence of the Nazi gas chambers.

The main ingredients of LAOS’ propaganda are antisemitism, xenophobia, nationalism and ranting against globalisation, the “New World Order”, the “Europe of the capitalists” and the so-called “global domination of Zionism”. These distasteful ideas are disseminated in the party’s weekly newspaper A1 and by its TV channel Tele-Asty which transmits all over Greece. “